Thank you for choosing Ravenwood Accounting to complete your 2024 Tax Returns!

You will receive a link via email to fill out your 2024 Tax Organizer. Please keep your eyes open for that. If you would like a paper copy to fill out, please let us know. If you do not have a client portal account, you will also receive an invitation to create one. Please create your account before filling out the tax organizer.
Thank you for taking time to complete your 2024 Tax Organizer. It is extremely important that you thoroughly complete this tax organizer and submit it back to us as soon as possible, PRIOR to your scheduled tax appointment as it is designed to identify potential tax savings and to complete a true, complete, and accurate tax return.
New Clients: This information is critical for accurate tax filing.
Existing Clients: Please submit the tax organizer again to ensure your records are 100% accurate and up-to-date.
IP PIN: Please upload or include this notice in your documents if you received one. We will need this to file your return.